Hur jag nöjde mig såväl som lunch

By qqnzc

trodde jag att det var konstigt att även om jag åt en stor skål med havregryn runt 10:30, var jag hungrig till lunch klockan 11:30?! Då insåg jag att det var sedan jag åt frukosten…

National siblings Day!

By qqnzc

I’ve got one more super simple crockpot recipe for ya today! Creamy poultry in the Crockpot Mina senaste videor What I eat In A Day – runner edition What I ate in a day. Food…

Viktminskning onsdag – nollskalan

By qqnzc

När jag var ute och tog upp en Dr. Zevia (soda sötad med Stevia). Jag har haft dessa tidigare och älskat dem, men idag var det inte bra. Konstig. Jag chompade också på några veggie…

Wet walk

By qqnzc

It’s the El Nino! I can’t believe exactly how much it has been raining in SoCal! fortunately the rain let up for a bit as well as my mother as well as I took the…

Weight Loss Wednesday–Chia Seeds

By qqnzc

I get a lot of questions about chia seeds. Most of the time the question is, “Do you realize you have chia seeds stuck in your teeth?” Mina senaste videor High Achiever – Good Listen…

Palm Springs Pit stop

By qqnzc

hi from Arizona! Ben and I just got to our hotel and I’m blogging at the desk in our room. I don’t know if it’s the lack of clutter (that is always covering my own…

Pile On The Miles 2019 Highlights video

By qqnzc

The stack on the Miles Running difficulty is DONE! Congratulations on all your difficult work!! (insert success dance here) I’m so pleased of you. I hope you’re pleased of yourself too! Mina senaste videor Then…